(April 20 – May 03, 2008) We were told about Personality Development Course to be conducted in Bhonsala Military School, Nashik by Eesha’s friend Siddhi Salvekar. We always knew and heard about Bhonsala Military since our young days. Hence we decided to send Eesha for this course. Along with Eesha, Siddhi and Vidisha also enrolled for the course. It was for the first time, we all were sending daughters away from home for 15 days. There was lot of preparation before we could actually send our daughters for the course. Then the D-Day arrived – April 20, 2008. We reached Nashik by taking Asiad from Shivajinagar station ST stand. The journey was good as we started pretty early – we caught 6AM bus! There was cumbersome checkin process at Bhonsala which I believe can be made much simpler. Then we finally managed to get Eesha to her room which she was going to share with 4 others. The room was small and it was tight fitting once everyone put up mosquito net. Plus we learnt that there are only 3 bathrooms for 160 odd girls. So with some concern we saw Eesha off. She was not that emotional like many other girls who were sobbing/crying etc. Siddhi was in Eesha’s room but Vidisha was given different room. Due to adamant parent of one of the girls in Eesha’s room, we could not get her exchanged in Eesha’s room. We came back with Siddhi’s parents in their car. Then all of us were pretty anxious as to how the girls will cope up to the rigors of tough routine that would start at 4:30AM and end at 10PM. As there was only one phone for all these girls neither we could connect with our daughters nor they could call us as there used to be always rush for that sole phone. The girls were trained to swim, rifle shooting, horse riding, yoga, gymnastics as well as mass PT. The girls completed this course with flying colors and we were all one happy bunch seeing off our daughters in flesh and blood on May 2 when we reached Nashik to see demonstrations of the skills they acquired as well as to watch entertainment program staged by all the girls. There were speeches by Mrs.Kochargaonkar as well as chief guest Advocate Suhas Jape who spoke well in Marathi. Then we stayed in Nashik on May 2 as girls would be released only next day after Trambak trip. We went back to Bhonsala Campus on May 3 and got our wards back with us to respective homes. During the course, the girls were taken to famous mineral collection at Gargoti Museum nearby. All in all experience was good. The girls coped up with rigors of the course well and came out smiling. Couple of points where improvement is possible is – Food Quantity and Quality, Checkin and Checkout process. I clicked many photos when we went to get back Eesha. Here is the link to access Bhonsala Military School, Nashik.
Bhonsala Military School, Nashik